Coaching Application 2024/2025 (Clarington Thunder Hockey League)

Coaching Application 2024/2025
Please fill out this form if you have an interest in volunteering as a Head Coach. **Please note - Head Coach positions will be filled first. Please do not fill out a form unless you have a Head Coach partner**

Coaching Application 2024/2025

Without dedicated coaches, trainers and managers there is no hockey.

The requirements for bench staff can be found on our web page Clarington Thunder Hockey League under "Coaching Resources". Please review them and ensure you are aware of the requirements for each position.
Please note - U7/U8/U9 requires Coach 1, even if you have your Coach 2 certification.

Please do not complete any training until you have been selected by the Coach Selection Committee. Once selected, please complete your required training as soon as possible as teams cannot be rostered without it.

I am aware that the first aim of minor sports is the personal and character development of each individual in my charge. Each participant will be given equal opportunity and consideration in all contests and situations. The actions of any and all coaches and team personnel will demonstrate a good example of character and values. I will become familiar with the rules of the CRHL and agree that any behaviour on my part contrary to the rules and endeavours of the CRHL would forfeit my coaching, training and/or managing privileges. I am also aware that the CRHL has a ZERO TOLERANCE for use of alcohol and/or drugs during any team event including, but not limited to, games and practices. If I breach this, I am aware that my position with the team will be relinquished immediately.