Coach Clinic Reimbursement (Clarington Thunder Hockey League)

Coach Clinic Reimbursement
This form is for CRHL rostered staff for certification reimbursement. **** ONLY SUBMIT ONCE YOU HAVE PASSED THE COURSE ****

Personal Information

Please ensure all contact information is correct.

Team Information

Which team are you requesting this for?

Clinic Information


Receipt Attachment




Authorization for Direct Deposit

I hereby authorize the Clarington Recreational Hockey League to initiate automatic deposits to my account at the financial institution named below.

Further, I agree not to hold the Clarington Recreational Hockey League responsible for any delay or loss of funds due to incorrect or incomplete information supplied by me or due to an error on the part of my financial institution in depositing funds to my account.

This agreement will remain in effect until the Clarington Recreational Hockey League receives a written notice of cancellation from me or my financial institution, or until I submit a new direct deposit form.